R&D Center dedicates its resources to identifying
zinc-air fuel cell technology enhancements. The
Center will continue to develop the processes and
procedures that will lead to cost-effective product
lines. As part of its roles, the Center will provide
technical support to service zinc-air fuel cell
users worldwide.
Function of
R&D Center
Product development and design
Performing tests and evaluations
Refining production process
Manufacturing facility development and design
Technical support
In Shanghai, China, Powerzinc has
established a zinc-air fuel cell manufacturing
and service model plant. The plant is ready for
commercial-scale production. The Company has started
supplying DQFC series zinc-air fuel cells to manufacturers
of Electric buses, Electric passenger cars, Electric
motorcycles and Electric scooters and Electric
Function of
Powerzinc Electric (Shanghai), Inc.
China market development
zinc-air fuel cell manufacturing
zinc-air fuel cell regeneration
zinc-air fuel cell refuel services